I followed along video tutorials of Python for how to use the Pygame module. For my own benefit, I wrote guides to reinforce and visualize the concepts. I didn't spend too much time on game design, so it is a fairly basic use of the module. Here is Github for the final project.
Within this project, I implemented:
- Player Input for character control
- Sprites & Animation
- Accurate tileset graphics on weighted grid
- Dijkstra's algorithm (Pathfinding)
- Introduction
- Menus
- Objects & Attributes
- Object Movement & Player Controls
- Projectiles
- Enemies & Hitboxes
- Basic AI
- Sprites Pt 1: Importing
- Sprites Pt 2: Animating
- Scrolling Backgrounds Pt 1: Basics
- Scrolling Backgrounds Pt 2: Screen Change
- Pathfinding Pt 1: Walls
- Pathfinding Pt 2: Tilesets
- Pathfinding Pt 3: AI (A* Algorithm)
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